Global Reach Local Solutions
Corporate & Commercial Law

International Advocates
Scott Advocates PLLC
Global Reach Local Solutions
We go where other lawyers won’t. We travel to virtually any country or region as necessary to support our clients’ business and mission requirements. We conduct investigations and critical event response, along with legal and political risk mitigation, host nation compliance and commercial pursuits.
Case Evaluation
We evaluate your case from any perspective to assess the dispute or the issues.
Offices Location
Austin, Texas, Berlin, Brussels, Washington, DC, and Wilmington, Delaware.
Free Consultations
We offer free law consultation based upon the conditions of your case.

Afghan Claims Project
With immediate effect, Venable LLP, in conjunction with Scott Advocates, PLLC, has established the Afghan Claims Project. We have initiated contact with the U.S. Government concerning claims by contractors in Afghanistan against the U.S. Government, NATO, the Taliban and others. We are also providing counsel on Office of Foreign Assets Controls questions concerning doing business with the Taliban and others in the region.
We invite inquiries from interested companies. We will provide assistance in the following areas: Analysis of claims; advice on proper forum (U.S. courts, arbitration, international claims tribunal (if established), etc.); representation in claims processes; OFAC and other agency representation; compliance with FAR and other USG requirements.
Please contact Bill Varian, CEO, Scott Advocates, PLLC, at bvarian@scottadvocates.com or acp@scottadvocates.com.
Our Mission
Defining success together
Moreover, SCOTT has developed a unique, proprietary inter-disciplinary approach to effectively assist clients overcome obstacles to obtaining US non-immigration visas. SCOTT maintains an active pro bono publico practice representing deserving clients in complex matters where top-tier lawyers make the difference.
Our CEO, Bill Varian currently provides strategic leadership services for the coordination, policy-making, operations management, investigations, and the integration of business practices and processes. His 35 years of highly diversified executive leadership and management experience in the U.S. Government and the private sector in risk management, emergency operations, training, force integration and readiness reporting systems and processes, complements Scott Advocates timely strategic planning and responsive execution of solutions for our client’s requirements and needs.
Mr. Varian has extensive experience recruiting and hiring staff, and building cohesive, high-impact teams that align team member skills to our client’s objectives, particularly in post conflict and extremely austere environments.